Saturday, May 13, 2006

Alicia says our computer is fixed!!! Yaaaay!!! I'm still using the one at work, though, because that's where I happen to be right now.

Last night I worked late to do my sister's hair. So I gathered all the fixings to make Oprah's favorite martini, the lemon drop, and carted it over to my parents' house (I work in a little salon my dad built me in his house.) There we were, my mom, my sis Sheryl, and me, all sitting around drinking the nummiest martinis I've ever had. They are my new fave. This is how you make them. You must try, they are so easy and good.

Put in your martini shaker: the juice from 4 lemons
4 mint leaves
4 tablespoons of sugar
4 shots of vodka
fill the rest up with ice and shake for 30 seconds.
Moisten the rim of two martini glasses with lemon
and then dip in sugar. Pour martini in glasses
and toss a mint leaf in each one for garnish.
Oh, they are so good, but DANGEROUS. I only had one and a half, and I was buzzin along quite nicely. We had a few giggles and by the grace of God, Sheryl's hair didn't turn out green and purple. I will definitely be making these again, but I will use caution. They go down a little too smooth.


ellen said...

You're my kind of hair stylist.

Penny said...

I'd risk green and yellow hair if I was being served those yummy little drinks.

Anonymous said...

Heck gimme some uh those things and I won't care what color my hair is.