Isn't this a cute picture? I spliced two pics of Frisky together for the month of May in my Dad's calendar. He makes a beautiful bride, don't you agree?
The weather reports keep saying that today will be hot and sunny, but the skies are grey-white and overcast. Of course I'm walking around in flip-flops trying to will Summer to come. The fence around my tiny townhouse back yard is finally being replaced. I've lived there for 6 years and it's been looking pretty unstable since I've moved in.
Gone are the days I could sit on my balcony and watch the muscular shirtless men build the fence. Now I feel like I could go to jail for watching them. I want to say, "Shouldn't you be in school, young man?" or, "Weren't you in my daughter's math class last year?"
It'll be so nice to be able to let Frisky out in the back yard without him slipping through the missing boards into the neighbors yard. He likes to do this when they're bbqing. I know if he could talk he'd wander over an say, "Smells good! What's for eats?"
It might also help prevent the neighbors 3 cats from leaving me "gifts" all the time. I'm not sure whether I preferred the decapitated mice, or last week's little dead birdie.
Anyway, just felt like rambling. Gotta go back to work now. Peoples' hair isn't gonna do itself, y'know!
What a nice doggie Frisky is. He has beautifull eyes. I like this kind of stories Sharon. A little bit dreaming and then back to reality.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I see you live in BC too. I am on the island.
I can so relate to watching young men. I know this lad that is 21 and I have to stop myself from checking him out! Doh! I am almost old enough to be him mother. (almost nor quite)
He is hot though!
Good ol Frisky...poor dog has to put up with so much. I look human again because I made it to get my hair cut today. Girl did a nice job. Alright a new fence...let's have a bar b que
What that poor dog doesn't get subjected to. If I didn't know what a treat and attention whore he is, I'd worry for his dignity.
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