Monday, October 02, 2006

This is a very naughty post indeed.

A few years ago, I was at one of our annual baseball icebreaker parties. I don't know why, but they scheduled the party on the same night as a very important playoff game. I, not being a sports enthusiast, was getting really bored with what was supposed to be a dance, but turned into hockey night in Richmond. All the chairs in the bar were turned toward the various TV's, and a few of my girlfriends and I were getting pretty antsy. It was starting to feel like you couldn't even stand up, for fear of blo
cking someone's view of the television.

After a couple of hours of what seemed like watching paint dry, one of my friends invited me and a few other chicks out to her van to have a couple of shooters and a change of scenery. We got out to the van and piled in, leaving the side door open for ventilation. The stereo cranked to capacity, and a couple of tequila shooters warming our tummies, the van party was reduced to a frenzy of giggling women acting like teen agers.

After a while, we noticed that, once in a while, a person, a couple, or a group of people would wander by our partymobile on their way to their cars. I don't know who would have started such a thing, but whenever someone walked by, we all began to violently rock the van back and forth, moanin
g, "ohhh. Oh, yeah! uh,uh,uh! Don't stop! Don't stop!" The reactions to our prank were priceless. The back window being tinted prevented anyone from seeing into the van, but we could see out perfectly fine. One couple shyly exchanged glances, and quickened their pace. One couple just burst out laughing. One group of guys pointed and laughed at one of the members running right up to the back window, cupping his hands around his eyes, and peering in, hoping to get a good look at some naughty behavior. It must have been such a funny sight to see the rocking van, hear the blasting music, and the moans of ecstasy reverberating through the parking lot.

Anyway, it saved our night from certain death-by-boredom, and frankly we served our fellow ball players by giving them some free entertai
nment on their way out!
Everybody wins.


ellen said...

Ha ha, two minutes in the penalty box for you, young lady.

Anonymous said...

I can believe the whole story. Oh by the way your name is Sharon. I get 8 comments....7 for real and 1 that was Sharon. I get 5 comments...4 for real and 1 Oh that was me Sharon. I'm going to have to get your Aunt to give you name lessons....Aw never mind, you're both blondes. Tee Hee Hee.

Penny said...

I love harmless pranks. I just wish I had the devious and wild kind of mind to think them up. But in case you need a partner in crime, I am so there.

Anonymous said...

Holy Ghost.... what a story. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I was surprised by this behaviour but I would most certainly be lying. Hmmmmm, where was I for this party?