Saturday, June 24, 2006

It is such a beautiful day in sunny BC! I worked until about 2:00, and then ran a few errands. I still have to go get one of my tires fixed before I go camping due to the big nail that's stuck in it, but other than that, things are just humming along. I came home and lounged on my new patio furniture, played a little guitar while singing softly in the sunshine, and now I'm just trying to work up the energy to make some kind of dinner. It's too hot to cook.

I just noticed that my daughter has spilled diet coke down her bedroom wall. It's good and sticky now that it's had time to cement itself to the paint. I looked behind her curtain to find three coke cans and a fast food soda cup. Sigh. She's not even allowed to have drinks in her room anymore, for reasons such as this. Hmmm, there's another pop can behind her TV...and three glasses from my kitchen! And is that an empty two liter Mountain dew bottle? Clearly, I don't beat this child nearly often enough.


ellen said...

Hey, at least they're not beer cans and whiskey bottles....

Penny said...

Where are the chip crumbs and empty chip bags? Better call in social services, you clearly are depriving her from a well balanced diet.

Anonymous said...

Gee, lighten up! It's not like you found her boyfriend in her closet trying on her shoes or anything. Course, you never know what they're up to when you're not home :)

Unknown said...

I can't remember what I did at that age. Let me think...Mmm.... Yes! I remember some things but I don't tell you :-)