Friday, December 29, 2006

So, as you know, my parents took Alicia with them to Mexico before Christmas. On the second to last day, my dad had a few cocktails with some friends that were with them, and then proceeded to go outside and play some soccer with some local Mexican Kids. I think they were about 12 years old. Anyway, during the game, one of the kids stuck out his foot, and tripped my dad, sending him head first into a brick wall. He really smacked his head good...about 14 stitches good.

Like me, my dad is not a fan of going to the doctor. When I had 5 stitches in my eyebrow from a tip ball gone bad on the ball field, I opted to take those suckers out myself when they were ready. Now, Dad can't reach the top of his head, so he asked my mom to remove them. She almost passed out at the notion. However, when he asked me, I said, "sure." So today I went over there, and with some sterile household objects, I snipped and plucked until they were all out (I hope.) My poor mom in the next room, was lookin a little pail while I was doing it. My brother, who is visiting from Whitehorse with his wife, was also opposed to the idea of "home health care." It's just that it's so stinkin easy to do these things yourself!

Incidentally, the song that my sis and I wrote for Christmas had a verse that went like this:

(to the tune of Jingle bells)

Dad, he banged his crown
now he wears a frown
guess he learned that alcohol
can make a man fall down.


ellen said...

I'm sure your dad appreciated the sentiment. Did it knock any sense into him? ha ha

Carolanne said...

Fourteen stitches???? That's a pretty bad fall and I would have been in the same room as your mum!

Anonymous said...

Fourteen stitches ain't nothin'. You should see the size of the head on that man. I'm sure he will cherish your jingle bells verse. It's nice to know that your kids feel sorry for you.