Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OK, so I was just looking back at some of the posts that I've missed while I was moving or sick, and I came across my Uncle Curtis' post about the "Nice Matters Award." What a nice idea that had been passed onto him from another blogger. I also noticed that Herman had a similar post in which I was mentioned. So I guess the five people who they chose to give this prestigious award to are now meant to pick five people that they would like to pass it on to. So here it goes in no particular order:

First I would like to give the award right back to Curtis. Honestly, he is a big teddy bear. He stood by my Aunt through illness and stayed by her side until she passed away. He loved her enough to follow her wishes, and now is left to pick up the pieces of his life without her. He always has encouraging words for people who need to hear them and has so much compassion for them. Also, he has a kick ass sense of humor.

Second, I will bestow this honorable award to Herman, who is a very sweet man. He has taken the time to send me extensive instructions when I have had trouble with my blog. He is encouraging and compassionate and I think has a huge heart. Herman is always eager to befriend fellow bloggers and help them in any way he can, and has been a true friend to me, and my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Curtis.

The third award I would like to pass on, is to my late Aunt Ellen. You all know how I feel about her from my previous posts. She was a wonderful woman whom I loved very much. I know she's looking down on Curtis and all of the wonderful people who cared for her, and if she's got any pull at all up there, she's putting in a good word.

The fourth award goes to Penny, who is just a sweet heart. She is always happy for people when they do well or have good fortune and is caring when they don't. She has a great sense of humor, and has a way of making a person feel missed when they aren't around as much, without putting pressure on. Even when times are tough for her, she still has room in her heart for others.

Last, but far from least, is Susan. Susan has a great family who enjoy each other's company. She has been there to help her sister back up after she spiraled down a dangerous path in her life. She is a continuous source of support to her niece, Kayla, who has been battling cancer for some time now. Susan really seems to love the beauty in life, anywhere from taking the perfect shot of a mountain side, to enjoying a boisterous meal with a house full of relatives.

I could go on and on about these five and many more wonderful people I've had the privilege to cross paths with. But rules are rules and I always follow the rules...snicker snicker. Now these five , with the exception of those who have already done it, can pass it along to five more super nice people.


Penny said...

Gosh darn, that stuff might go to my head, yah know. Had to check twice to make sure you weren't talkin' about another Penny.

Unknown said...

Thank you Sharon for your friendship and the kind remarks. You made me happy and speechless...

Anonymous said...

That was very sweet of you Sharon.

Sharon is a gem of a friend. I have known her almost all my life and through all the years we have been friends, never once did we exchange harsh words. Never been in a fight with her.It's not by chance either.
Sharon is a friend one can depend on and know that she will never steer you wrong. Always with a kind word and a good laugh. Sharon loves her friends, and they all adore her. (kinda hard not to)

Reason I'm saying all this is because I know that Sharon loves all you guys very much. I think my dear friend deserves a metal.

I love ya Sharon, you are the best.

sharon said...

Thank you Keeks. I love you too. How could I ever have a harsh word for a friend like you? Thank you for your sweet words. You make me want to cry.

~DdK~ said...

I feel touched that although you most likely wanted to pass this award on to me, you knew that, because of my selfless and modest nature, I would get much more satisfaction seeing it go to someone who, in my mind, is much more deserving despite your objections.


Susan said...

I am humbled! >BLUSHES<
You picked a great bunch of nice people! I know I will have a hard time narrowing it down to just 5 people.
33333333333333(thats the cat, walking across the keyboard)

Penny said...

Okay, missy, put facebook away for a minute and do another blog. (Will you take away my nice person award, cause I'm not suppose to nag, just gently remind?) Too late, I've grabbed it and ran!