Friday, November 02, 2007

Moulin Rouge

So I went to this party last weekend that had a Moulin Rouge theme. I know Penny was commenting that I should get off of face book and get blogging, but now that she can see my face book profile, she's gonna know everything I'm writing about before I write it! LOL Anyway, everyone was all fish nets and corsets and it was really cute.

Rrrooowwwr! lol Saucy!

That was the weekend before Halloween. So on Halloween, we just stayed home and handed out candy to the dozen or two disinterested kids who came to the door. It's a fading tradition.

Alicia went and hung out with friends dressed as a doll.
Very cute!

Other than that, I've been insanely busy organizing the new place and painting my butt off. My Uncle John (Mom's brother) was in town, so he and my mom spent the night last night, making it easier to get to the airport on time this morning. So Kelly and I wanted to get the main areas of the place painted before the family came over. Phew! What a job!

I am finding it harder and harder to find the time to post these days, and to read my favorite blogs. I'm not giving it up, though! I'm just going to have to accept the fact that I can't post as often as I want to and just do it when I can. On that note, I'm going to read a few of my faves right now. Take care, all!


Susan said...

Sharon, you hussy! Hehe, nice bit o' drumstick!

Penny said...

Ouch! Even my keyboard is smokin'. Your daughter's costume is so cute. Okay, I know it's hard to blog, especially when you feel a need to live your other life, you know... the real one. So, just be sure you pop over once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!!!!! Scared me and I'm fearless. lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh Curtis that really hurts. I know the gold is scary, but you did not have to live with the high waist, lol the thing rode up....ouch!

Unknown said...

Is that black Napoleon beard Kelly's own or fake? :-)
And you vamp, you are looking good in that dress. Alicia is really a doll in her dress and with her curly hair.
I missed your blogs for a while, but I myself was out of duty for some time. First things first, work has to be done. We hope to see more of your writing when you're done the house.
I have visited Kelly's blog several times, but it seems to be Bear dead since you caught him. :-)

sharon said...

lol, Herman, that is Kelly's beard, but we put make up on it to make it darker. For those who watch "Desperate Housewives," He looked a lot like Carlos when we darkened it.

I'm glad you are feeling better. Well enough to take the dog out for some fresh air.

I will try and keep up with the blog, but even as I type this, I have plaster and paint all over me. LOL

Penny said...

Oh my gosh, he does look like Carlos. I couldn't put my finger on it, but now I know. I was gonna give you what-for, for not doing a blog for such a long time, but I guess I'll ease up since I'm just as bad.

Anonymous said...

Well it was either the doorknob one or this....slicker than an eel in a snot decide. lol

Curtis said...

Hey .... anybody home. I've got this one memorized. lol

Curtis said...

I think these people have retired from blogging. Happy holidays anyway.

Curtis said...

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Come on Sharon, people here will think that Facebook is to blame and that couldn't be farther from the truth. The truth is that Sharon has been up to something lately, and I don't know what. Post some new pics from Christmas dinner babe. We miss you.....