Friday, October 12, 2007


Hey blogging peeps.
Man, it's hard to keep up with everything sometimes. I haven't forgotten you guys, though.
After the move, I got knocked on my butt by a flu bug. So here I am, in total nesting mode, and I can't do a thing without completely exhausting myself or sending myself into a coughing frenzy. Thank God for Otravin (nasal spray) cuz if I had to mouth breathe my way through the week I would be ready to go on a shooting spree right now. My problem is that I have to nest after moving or I don't feel like it's home. So I'm the type that wants to surprise Kelly and Alicia by hauling the sectional outside, up the back stairs and into a cozy spot in the living room before they get home. I'm sure that helped the impending flu. Anyway, I'm feeling much better now, despite the 15 minutes of hacking I do first thing in the morning. And it's a good thing, too, because this Wednesday, I'm going to Whitehorse (The Yukon Territory) to visit my brother, his wife, and their brand new baby, Sophia.
I'm a thirty five year old youngest of four children with a seventeen year old daughter, and I'm the only one from our family who has produced offspring. I've waited a long time to be an Auntie and I am over the moon to have a little baby in the family. It means we get Santa back, and the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and all of the other wonderful things that come with a little one. When we found out the gender of the baby a couple of months ago, the nurse said she would give about a 90% chance of it being a girl. So I ran out and O.D.ed on pink dresses and frilly overalls, and little denim dresses with goes on. Obviously in the back of my mind I considered the 10% chance that it was a boy, but I thought I'd roll the dice on that. I kept saying, though, "This is either gonna be one well dressed little girl, or one screwed up little boy!"
Anyway, I'll be going away on the 17th for 5 days. I'm really looking forward to it, but at the same time, I'm gonna miss Kelly and Alicia somethin' fierce! We've already got a calling card so we can chat every day. LOL. Alicia was saying the other day how she and her boyfriend were out of that "honeymoon phase" now that they've been together almost two years. Here Kelly and are are, still all googley eyed and dreading being apart for a few days. LOL
Anyway, there's no shortage of things to do around here, so I better get to it.


Susan said...

Glad to hear you are almost recovered. Don't over do it! You sound like me with the nesting thing. When ever we have moved, I stay up all night untill EVERYTHING IS IN ITS PLACE. I pack very efficiantly so it makes it easier. I couldnt possibly go to sleep knowing that the couch needs moving! I'm with you on that count.
Congrats on becoming an aunty. Enjoy the visit. I bet that baby will not be put down the whole time you are there! We want pictures when you get back!Of Sophie and of the NWT!

Penny said...

I have the nesting thing so strong I havent't moved my nest in nearly 30 years. Imagine, my kids have never lived anywhere but here. How boring!
Going to the Territories is on my list of things to do before I die list. Congratulations, auntie. Lucky you, a calling card to call everyday. I can't bear to be without my hubby either. We're still in the honeymoon phase.LOL
Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back. I haven't been busy in the blogging dept. either, but hopint to get back to it soon.

Unknown said...

Don’t worry about things like calling cards. They are readily available up here. You could always set up a web cam chat as well. We are very excited to show little Sophia off to you and mom and for her to meet her wonderful nana and her sweet auntie Sharon! Glenda is on maternity leave and I have booked off every day that you two will be here, so it’s gonna be a great time. Bring your winter coat, but your regular shoes will do. The average temp right now is around freezing, but it’s a dry cold that doesn’t chill you to the bone like in Vancouver.
Susan and Penny, it really is beautiful up here in the Yukon and I hope you manage to make it up some time. The scenery and wildlife are breathtaking and the people are friendly in a kind of maritime Canadian kind of way.
Can’t wait to see you and mom on Wednesday, Sharon!

Anonymous said...

First off, congrats to Mike and Glenda on the birth of their baby girl. Good choice on the name, Sophia is my daughter's name too.

Hope you and your mom have a great time visiting with the baby, Sharon.

Lot's of love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Ain't nothing wrong with being a mush-pot. Take it from the King of the mush-pots. Mike sent me pictures of Sophie.

BarbaraMG said...

John (not his real name) and I have been together 7 months and we still get so excited to see each other. He had to go away a few weeks back but we missed each other so much he came home early.
Congrats on the coming arrival of a niece!