Man, was it that long ago that I posted last??? Wow, time just flies! Anyway, last weekend we went to Kelly's parents' house for dinner. Kelly had to help his nephew with his computer and since he and Kelly's sis live only a few doors from his folks' place, we thought we'd get together. Also, I wanted to introduce Alicia to his family, so she came along. Kelly also suggested we bring Frisky (our little dog) which I was a little apprehensive about, but went along with after a few repetitions of, "are you sure?"
Anyhoo, we had a nice dinner with Kelly's family, but for the most part, he and his nephew were a few doors down dealing with the computer issue. It was a little awkward because I could tell his Dad was tired and I felt a little like they were babysitting us while Kelly was gone. Besides that, though, they are very nice and hospitable. It just maybe wasn't the best way to introduce them to Alicia and Frisky.
Out of nowhere, Kelly's sister's dog, (thank God not Frisky) who fallows their dad around like a shadow, starts dragging her ass down the carpet, leaving a nice brown skid mark about two or three feet long. His dad was not happy. I think his exact words were, "#$%*$*&#!!!!!!" I may be mistaken, though.
After the crap had been scrubbed out of the carpet, Kelly and his nephew, Christian, came in and started wrestling in the living room. It's a small condo, and his mom was reminding them of that, but the rough housing continued. Kelly's little girl Anastasia ran to one end of the coffee table, grabbed hold, and gave it a tug to make more room. Well the thing must have been held together with Elmer's glue because it collapsed into, like, six pieces onto the living room floor, spilling all of it's contents all over. Again, dad's head almost popped off. The poor guy just wanted some peace and quiet and his house had been pooped on and his table broken.
By the time we got into the car to get home, we were all pooped. Sigh. I'm kind of pooped just posting about it. Anyway, gotta go shampoo this set of highlights.
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Don't you just love those moments when you meet the parents.Trying desperatly to keep your cool and make sure there's no salad caught in your teeth.Making idle chit-chat and hoping you wont say something stupid.
Im sure you passed with flying colours,but if you want my thoughts,it's good to get the parents ok but if the parents know you love their son thats all they need to know and they will love you for loving him.I happen to know that you love him and he adores you.Bless you both , Kiki
You have the funniest things happen to you. Crap on the carpet AND the coffee table breaking? The poor parents. All they wanted was an afternoon nap.
What a wonderful day you had. I glad that you got out and had a great time. I'm sure you'll grow use to it. Have a great week ya hear.
At least YOUR doggie was good, and didn't wipe his bum on the carpet.
:D My parents love you sweetie. They see the way I look at you and they know I love you.
This whole thing upsets me a little because my Dad knew a few days before hand that we would be there, they invited us for dinner. He also knew that I was going to be working on the computer so it would not be a dine-N-dash. So why he did not get enough sleep is beyond me, I mean we left by 9:30.
I am sorry sweetie. I hope Alicia does not think my dad is always that way.
Hey Kelly, parents like kids are out of our control. Their job in life is to embarrass us. It's like a little trial. If you can still be in love after "meeting the parents", you know it's meant to be.
Awe, Sweetheart, don't be upset by that. Penny's absolutely right. It's a parent's job to embarrass us now and then. Your parents are both great people, it was just an off day. I love you with all my heart, no matter what. XXOOQ
pooperdepooperdepoop, what a story :-))
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