...and he's trusting enough to be comfortable with me cutting his hair short. Wow, he looks different, eh? Oh my God, he's so cute no matter how he wears his hair!!!

He's a great Dad to his daughter, who obviously loves him like mad.

He has a great sense of humor, which is a must for me. I enjoy laughter in my life and wouldn't last with someone who couldn't get silly. I love the fact that he can strike a balance between the child within him and being able to carry a serious conversation. Last night Alicia and I were clicking our heals together in the living room, and Kelly grabbed the camera to capture this little nugget...LOL That's a ripper!

Okay, besides how wonderful Kelly is, look how well our kids get along. These were taken at the mall. They're just like sisters. AAAAAAWWWWWWWE!!! Aren't they the cutest?

Okay, so now that I've gushed all over the place, a couple of weeks ago, Kelly and I were standing in the living room, when he suddenly took me in his big strong arms and began to slow dance with me. Isn't that so romantic? So we were swaying back and forth and I was just getting swept away. He gazed into my eyes, and then began to go in for the dip. Oooh, how fun! So as he begins to dip me, his foot slips from underneath him sending us both crashing toward the coffee table! (Just as a side note, there was a candle holder on the table that Alicia and her friends slightly broke. It just needed a little glue to reattach one of the pieces.) So, I crash into the table first, as Kelly struggles to maintain some control over the fall, and he follows me down nailing my cheek with his shoulder! We ended up totally warping the coffee table, and as for the candle holder that was in two pieces...now it's in about six pieces in the bottom of a garbage bag. If it wasn't totaled before the "dip" it most certainly was after. LOL. I know, I told you he's romantic. The great thing is, we can laugh about these crazy things. I can't believe I've found someone so perfect for me. I've never been happier, even with a bruised cheek!