Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Birthday in Shades of Green.

So today's my Birthday, and I'm feeling a little green. I only have one client booked, a set of highlights, and besides that, I'm gonna lay low. I got a super cute 'e card' from my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Curtis this morning, and it put a big ole smile on this face. I got emails from friends, phone calls from family, and an 'e rose' from a guy I've been chatting with on (pretty much a picture of a rose.)

Last Sunday, we celebrated my birthday at the same time as my sister's, whose was a week ago. We had some nibblies and a birthday fruit flan. My sis and I find cake so sweet, We never feel good after, so we went with something a little less sickening. I got a really cute purse from my sis, my brother got us each a gift certificate for $100 to spend at a really nice spa (can't wait to use it) and my parents got me an exercise dvd that I saw on tv and wanted called 'turbo jam' along with a really cute hat in the style of a newsboy cap.

I almost drowned in my own saliva this morning at the mall. Just thought I'd pop in and buy myself a little something, and as I was about to enter I inhaled and suddenly I was choking to death. Tears were squirting out of my eyes as I hacked for my life. 35 years old and I still don't know which tube is for breathing and which is for swallowing. By the time I'd managed to save myself from certain drowning, I looked really pretty with my red puffy eyes and snotty nose. I felt like a real peach.

Note to self: Saliva is for swallowing...not for inhaling. Saliva/air, confusing the two can be hazardous! ehem.


ellen said...

You wanna watch that breathing in spit thing; geez, your 35th birthday could have been your last. Did you get yourself anything good at the mall? Did you at least get CPR from an attractive man?

Seriously, I hope you enjoy dozens and dozens more birthdays, in good health. Smooches

Penny said...

Happy Birthday. I'm glad you didn't choke. Don't you hate it when that happens - I bet you were coughing all day trying to clear your lungs.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday.....Now you are my age. You are officially a thirty something gal!Talk about not being able to do two things at once, breath,swallow, decisions decisions.I wish you all the best and may the Lord bless you with long life, good health and high spirits.

I wish I was there to share your day with you, but maybe you can come to Greece in July for mine. You know we have alot of Greek hot lovers over here, hint hint!!!!!

Unknown said...

We will remember your Birthday in the future Sharon and you got more e-mail and e-cards.
35 five years of age... You're in the most beautiful time of your life. Enjoy it!
I have no idea what you meant by "Saliva", all I could find is, that it is a drug testing kit but that's not what you are talking about I think.

sharon said...

LOL. Herman, I know it can be tough when you don't know all the words. It means spit. Like the water in your mouth. Have you ever inhaled and choked on your own spit? Not fun.

Susan said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you. Glad you got some nice things! The spa sounds great. Are you going with your sis?
Hehe, I am chuckling at Herman. I am in awe at his grasp of English!
Anyways, I am glad you survived! Once I started choking on a cup of coufee. It was so embarassing as I ended up coughing coffee allover the client I was speaking to. It was so sudden that I didnt even have a chance to turn my head or cover my mouth!