Monday, March 19, 2007

So this guy that I've been seeing is really great. We'll call him "Kelly" mostly cuz that's his name. I met his little 9 year old daughter over the weekend, and we played with beads, baked cookies, and goofed off a little. Since she lives on the island right now, Kelly had to take her across on the ferry to drop her back off with her mom. So I decided to keep him company and went with them. Well, I know it's hard to believe, but I kind of made them late for the ferry, so we missed it and had to catch the next one. Once we boarded we had the chance to play around a little, played some "go fish," (cheated my ass off) watched her do card tricks, watched her climb around the pathetic little play area on the boat.

Anyhoo, then we docked and met up with her mom (BRRRRRRRR) It was a bit of a chilly reception, though I don't know why. They've been parted for 2 years and she's in a relationship of her own. I guess it was just uncomfortable for her. Oh well.

The thing is, it was fun. Doesn't seem to matter what we do , where we go. I'm happy just to be with him. We laugh alot, we talk alot, and he has the best arms for hugging I've ever felt. Sigh...(goofy grin)


Penny said...

You little vixen. Somehow you "made" them late. Ha Ha. Hang on to your hats, people. Somehow I think this gonna be a wild ride.

Anonymous said...

You have to know that if the child likes you, that makes things alot easier for dad. If his ex doesn't, no big deal! Just enjoy yourself and remember not to take all your blog comments to heart.
What do we know after all?
Love ya lots and lots,

Anonymous said...

I hate when the kid has to be shuffled off between two people. Makes life hard on everyone, especially them. Anyway...awww geez...oh my....slober slober...drool drool...hey watch out for that light pole....ooooo that had to hurt, right between the eyes....better look where you are going..snort snort.... Aren't I the most supportive person you've ever met? Tee hee go girl

Anonymous said...

"Somehow" you made them late. If I wasn't laughing so hard, I'd say "No, that can't be right, Sharon late? NEVER!" ;) tee hee

Anonymous said...

This "Kelly" guy sounds very lucky to have you in his life and if he has half a brain he cherishes you for the incredible woman you are.
I don't think you need to worry about his ex, it sounds like maybe she sees how he looks at you and is a little hurt. Either way she does not matter, all that matters is how he feels about you.... and who knows, maybe this "Kelly" guy is also known for being a little late at times and would never care where he was as long as he had you by his side.

Just some guy putting in his 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...

Who is Bear? He sounds so sweet and loving. Thats the kind of guy you would love to have by your side,him and Curtis, but Curtis is taken by a special lady. Thems the breaks chickos.

sharon said...

So for those of you who didn't catch it, "Bear" IS Kelly. Wow, Kiki, you really called it. He IS sweet and loving.

Penny said...

You totally know I'm teasin', right? By wild ride, I mean this is going to be exciting...romantically speaking!

Susan said...

Sharon, that sounds like a great time. Nice happy post.
I cant imagine how hard it must be to see the one who once loved you, loving someone else. Maybe when she get used to the idea, she will warm up a bit.

Bear said...

Penny: No worries about the wild ride comment, but I like to think of it as the ride of a life time.

Susan: If my ex-wife did warm up I would be worried about her motives. I perfer her not in my life anymore than needed.

Sharon, my Angel, I am your's.

Anonymous said...

Hey if that is Bear in that picture then he looks like a big ol bear like me. I like him already. So lets get on with the love stories...I've read this one so many times I've got it memorized. Blog blog blog blog blog blog blog. I like the parts with the starry eyes and goofy looks and swaping spit and all that kind of stuff.

Penny said...

Like Curtis says, tear yourself away for a few minutes and share the details. We want more....