Friday, February 09, 2007

Hi Strangers!!!

Hey everyone! I don't know why I've been so busy lately, but I just haven't had time to sit and post. It's nice to be missed, though. Not only have I not posted, but I haven't read any of my favorite blogs lately. I'm really gonna have to get my poop together. I feel out of the loop:)

This morning I played squash as I've done twice a week for at least a year now. It doesn't really matter who won, though (me) because it's all about the excersise and fun. There's no point obsessing over who wins (me.)

My sis is off of work this week so she, my mom, and I are all going to go bowling this afternoon. Obviously this will be a very friendly game without focus on who will win (me) and who will lose (not me!)

Then later, I've got a couple of clients to do, so by then I should be good and tired. Now I have to go hop in the shower. It's pretty sweaty work winning...I mean playing squash.


ellen said...

I can see where all the competitive genes in the family filtered down to.....

Penny said...

Nothing wrong with winning, says someone who plays to win!

Unknown said...

That's a lot of exercise in one day. Squash in the morning, bowling in the afternoon and then back to work. What an energy. I'm glad you're back :-)

BarbaraMG said...

LOL. You like to win I take it?

Susan said...

Hi Sharon,
Relieved to see a post here. After you split with Drew, I thought you may be getting depressed or something. Glad you are just busy, winning too it seems. I have been pretty busy myself lately!
Thanks for your possitive comments at my site, It really means alot to me!
Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe missed you a little but was really wondering when you were going to get your butt in gear and write something.