So last night I went on a coffee date with a guy I've been chatting with on plentyoffish.com. He was very funny and we got along great! We laughed and talked so long, I was late meeting my sister, who I had made plans to see. In fact, she had called me three times on my cel, checking to make sure I wasn't stuffed in the trunk of this guys car or something. (I didn't want to answer my phone cuz it's rude, but I did pick up the third time, getting the hint that someone was trying to get a hold of me) I felt so bad, I was only 15 minutes late or something, but she was ready to hop into her car and drive to Starbucks to make sure I was okay. She ended up getting a hold of me, and then the battery in my phone died. Anyway, after borrowing this guy's phone to call her back, I said goodbye to my new friend and hooked up with my sis, who lectured me on the safety precautions one should take when Internet dating. I did tell her who I was with and where we were going to be, I took my own car, and met in a public place, but I should have made sure my phone was charged, and I should have kept my eye on the time so it would have clicked that she was trying to contact me. Sigh. This dating thing is hard!
Okay, so I said this guy was really great and funny and had some very thoughtful and intelligent things to say. We'll see how it goes...
As an Official Worrier, I'm gonna chew you out, too. Your sister must have been jumping out of her skin. Geez, kids! They never grow up. Listen to your big sister and be careful.
I call my sis when she meets guys from plenty of fish. Once a big sister always a big sister. One time I called and the guy she was with was so insecure, that he suspected she got me to call just incase she needed an excuse to cut the date short, so she could say there was an emergency and had to leave. She didnt see him a second time!
Did you notice, if you move the spaces in
Plenty of Fish
you get
Plenty Offish. LOL!!!
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