You guys crack me up! Ok, so Kelly met the family on Sunday, which happened to be my Dad's birthday celebration. It went really well, but I knew it would cuz he's great and so is my family. I will, however try and refrain from exclusively posting about how gaga I am over my new boyfriend. Hmmmmmm.....Ummmmmm....just wait I'm thinking.....There was this one time when Kelly...wait... no...that's about him too. I know I had a life before he came along, but damned if I can remember any of it right now!
So Sunday morning Kelly and I were hanging out at my place, but I have a very important Sunday ritual which involves my sister's couch, her tv, and two and a half glorious hours of Coronation street. So I headed off to my sis' place, and he was gonna hang out at mine until I returned. When I got home he was standing there lookin all gorgeous, so I went over and gave him some hello smooches and snuggles. He told me that he popped out to do a few things while I was gone. He goes, "while I was out, I wanted to get you the perfect single rose, but every one I looked at was slightly flawed in some way. I couldn't find one that was perfect....so I had to get you a dozen instead." So I look over and see these.

I know, right? Could he BE any sweeter?!? Sigh........
Thats all I see and you two look as if you have been together forever.
Take good care of my girl Kelly, and Sharon, you take care of him.
I love you lots and lots girl,and miss you even more.Kiki
Aaaaaaaah, how cute is that?
Actually, it's a very cute picture and having met Kelly, I think he's sweet and smart too.
Gee, how come I feel all warm and fuzzy inside? :)
That's a nice photo of the two of you; you look very happy together. Any guy who buys you roses for no particular reason is a keeper, in my book.
Oh wow...golly gee...shucks I don't know what to say...anyone got a tissue I got something in my eye over here. Ok let's get serious over here. Could he be any sweeter? Well sure he could but he'll never be me. lol. Heck I'm so sweet sugar takes off running when it sees me comin'. I should really stop but I probably won't. I must say that ya'll is lookin' mighty good together in that thar pitcher. Oh gosh I got somethin in my eye again. See ya.
You guys are so funny! Curtis, you crack me up big time. That's wha I gots this here affection fer ya!
You and Mr. Blue Eyes look so happy with each other. I wish you both all the luck in the World. Be Happy for the rest of your life Sharon and Kelly.
Awe thank you everyone, you are all so sweet. I feel as though I have known Sharon my entire life and am falling deeply in love with her. She has all attributes I have admired in many other people that I have known and in fact I believe that the admiration of those individuals for their attributes was only to prepare me for the deep relationship I have found with Sharon. She is my Angel.
Welcome to the "I'm in love and goofy" club. There are no happier people than members of this exclusive club. BTW: Six months before our wedding my sweetie gave me six roses. I asked if I'd be getting 5 the next month, and so on, as a count down. He laughed and said, no, you can just throw one rose out each month. He was still a keeper! The two of you make a very lovely couple.
Ok, only you will understand this statement Sharon.
What a really nice picture, you look so happy. You and Barb are both in the throws of new love. The bliss is contagious. I can feel it through your words!
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