You guys crack me up! Ok, so Kelly met the family on Sunday, which happened to be my Dad's birthday celebration. It went really well, but I knew it would cuz he's great and so is my family. I will, however try and refrain from exclusively posting about how gaga I am over my new boyfriend. Hmmmmmm.....Ummmmmm....just wait I'm thinking.....There was this one time when Kelly...wait... no...that's about him too. I know I had a life before he came along, but damned if I can remember any of it right now!
So Sunday morning Kelly and I were hanging out at my place, but I have a very important Sunday ritual which involves my sister's couch, her tv, and two and a half glorious hours of Coronation street. So I headed off to my sis' place, and he was gonna hang out at mine until I returned. When I got home he was standing there lookin all gorgeous, so I went over and gave him some hello smooches and snuggles. He told me that he popped out to do a few things while I was gone. He goes, "while I was out, I wanted to get you the perfect single rose, but every one I looked at was slightly flawed in some way. I couldn't find one that was perfect....so I had to get you a dozen instead." So I look over and see these.

I know, right? Could he BE any sweeter?!? Sigh........