Well, I know I hardly ever write in my blog anymore, but the last couple of years have been so crazy, I don't seem to have the time or the focus. So much has happened from moving into this house, to laying laminate, sanding, and painting, all while being chauffeur to a teenager and working. A couple of weeks ago our landlord gave us the news that his daughter would now like to live in the house and we must be out at the end of January. I must admit I was disappointed that he had recently let us do so much work laying laminate, only to be told a few months later that we wouldn't be around to enjoy it. Also, I would think after our family has lived here for over 18 years he could wait to give us the boot til after the Holidays. Especially since I am not only losing my home, but my business...and the timing couldn't be worse. If anyone has an empty suite for February, they would most likely rent it out for a month for the Olympics and rake it in before committing to a tenant. However, I am trying to look at it in a positive way. It is what it is, and so I choose to go into it with a positive outlook and a willing spirit. Sometimes being shoved out of your comfort zone can be a blessing in disguise.
In other news, Alicia turned 19 years old at the end of October. My baby is an adult...Yikes. She went out to a club with some friends on her Birthday and came home very late, but she wasn't stumbling around or slurring her words. She had some drinks but didn't want to end up like some of the drunk girls she's seen at parties...out of control, embarrassing themselves, and incapable of getting themselves home safely. That's my girl. Phew...I don't know where she gets it...when I was her age I didn't have half the common sense she does. Oh well, I'm just gonna role with it.
Now here we are less than two weeks before Christmas, and I'm really looking forward to having our last Christmas in this house my family has called home for so many years. My brother is bringing my beautiful niece to spend the Holidays with us and I couldn't be more excited to see them.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Penny's blog just inspired me to post a cute story (that I cried when I heard) about my sweet, perfect, precious baby niece, Sophia. She just turned two at the end of September. Sophia was in daycare and I'm not sure if it was her Birthday or someone else' s, but they were all given a piece of cake. So all the kids are chowing down enjoying their treat, and Sophia eats about three quarters of her cake and stops. She grabs a napkin and tries to wrap up the rest and stuff it in her pocket, so the teacher says, "Sophia, don't you want to finish your cake?" Sophie looks up at her with her big brown eyes and says in her little baby voice, "I saving it to Daddy" My heart wanted to burst out of my chest when my mom told me, that my brother told her, that the teacher told my brother...gasp gasp...gasp...(that's how it works in my family) Anyway, the teacher told her that they saved her Daddy a piece so she could go ahead and eat the rest if she wanted. And she did eat it, which says to me that even though she was still enjoying it, she wanted to sacrifice it so her Dad could have some. That's pretty awesome considering her age and stage of development. Kids her age are typically so egocentric, they are in the "MINE!" stage. So the teachers sent them home with two pieces so they could eat it together when they got home:)
Monday, September 07, 2009
I must have said it wrong...
Okay, it's been a while since I've had a funny story to tell, but I had to laugh yesterday, so I must share. I've been trying to find a copy of the movie Mrs Doubtfire for Anastasia to watch. She's never seen it, and some movies just have to we watched. Also, she had never seen The Wizard of Oz, and that's just wrong, so I was looking for that one too. Throughout the last two months I've been asking around for them, but for some reason, they were impossible to find! Well, I had finished doing updos for a bridal party on Saturday, and I knew Kelly was working all night, so I really wanted to find these flicks for the kiddo and have a girly movie night with her and Alicia. I went to one rental place, and they didn't have them, but the kind girl did phone around for me and actually found both in another nearby store! So off I went to get these gems. I got to the store and spoke with the young man at the counter about how happy I was to find the movies finally. Just as he was about to ring them through, I said casually, "Actually, before you ring them through, I think I'll look for an adult movie to watch after the kids go to bed." The boy on the other side of the counter was clearly trying to compose himself and politely replied, (blood flushing into his face,) "I'm sorry mam, we don't have an adult section anymore." I quickly realised what he was talking about and answered, "When I said "adult movie" I only meant "grown up movie," not triple X!" and his coworker burst out laughing at the poor lad. He became even redder as I explained jokingly that, though I am comfortable with myself, I wouldn't casually walk into Rogers Video to pick up two kids movies and a porno! LOL After finding a decent chick flick, I thanked him for giving me the best laugh of the day and left him standing there to recover from his embarrassment. I giggled all the way home. Tee hee...Poor kid...
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Bud's Birthday party
It's been a while again since I've posted, So I thought I'd drop a line about my weekend. My girlfriend Kiki had her "28th" Birthday party on Saturday, so we all went into Maple Ridge to see the townhouse she and her family moved into, and to celebrate with her. The picture above was taken on her balcony. Below, is the Birthday girl, our beautiful friend Andrea, and of course, my gorgeous Sis, Sheryl.
We all had a great time eating, drinking, and laughing our heads off as we always do. Here's Kiki and her sweetie, Paul, who plied us all with jello shooters throughout the evening.
Then, at around four in the morning, we just couldn't keep our eyes open any longer...it's a good thing we planned to stay over night...

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hey all you Mommy's out there! Hope you have a really happy day with your families. I wish I could say I was going to go and spread love to the moms, but I am trapped here in my house recovering from a nasty flu with Kelly. Can't be spreading germs on Mother's day. That's no way to say thanks for taking care of all the diapers, snotty noses, skinned knees, broken hearts...you get the idea. So I'm going to go soak in a bath with a really good book now. If anyone's interested, it's an author called Diana Gabaldon. The first book in the series is called Outlander and is absolutely captivating. I could not put it down! So now I'm on the second book, which is called Dragonfly in Amber. Almost half way through now. It's so good, my bath water turning cold as ice will be the only way to get me to close my book and climb out of there. Anyway, off I go. Take care all!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
two months
It's been over two months since my last post. Kelly's working at home now, so life as I knew it has changed dramatically. I do get some computer time, but not nearly what I used to, so I haven't been blogging at all. I'm still not writing it off or anything, in fact, there have been many things I've thought about posting about. It just never seems to materialize.
We had Anastasia for Spring break so we just brought her home this afternoon. She's getting so big now...11 years old. It was funny, cuz she had to build a bridge as a project for school, and it took all of my efforts to encourage Kelly to let her help him make it! It turned out spectacular...better, I'm sure, than any other 11 year old girl's in the class. LOL. Take care friends. I'll be reading blogs even if I'm not posting as much, plus I'll see you on facebook:)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
harsh but true
One of my clients was telling me about a friend of hers who has cancer. The cool thing about this lady, is that she's designed silver bracelets that sell for about a hundred and fifty bucks and that fifty dollars of each sale goes toward cancer related charities. What caught my attention, though, is that these bracelets are not the average pretty pink that is generally associated with cancer. In fact, she feels that as pretty as the pink bracelets and pins are, cancer is not pretty and girly. So her bracelets allow people who have or have had cancer to express how they really feel about it. It may seem a little crass, but from what I understand, they go over huge. They truly reflect how most of us feel about this deadly disease. Check out this website if you want to see for yourself. http://www.soulflower.com/fcancer/
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