Monday, June 02, 2008


Well, we've seen the sunshine here and there, so I guess it's almost Summer. LOL Last weekend I went to one of my dearest friends' Birthday party. It started out a beach theme, but people started changing their clothes when it started to get chilly. Here's me and the Birthday girl!

As usual, we got home and to bed as the sun was coming up the next morning. I think the clock read 4:30 when Kelly and I laid our heads down on our pillows. The next day was a write-off, but we usually relax on Sundays anyway. My sis and I have a Sunday ritual of watching coronation Street together and now that Kelly is in the picture, he comes and watches too. He was hooked after one episode. LOL

We're getting ready for Alicia's grad now. It will be at the end of the month, but they have a winter formal, which has already passed, and a boat cruise, which was a couple of weeks ago. These pics are of Alicia with
her new black hair and her friend Tenby with HER new black hair. I guess black is the new blond.
I had sewn a shawl for Alicia that was the same color as the cream on her dress. I carefully sewed fine tassels on each edge of the shawl and was still sewing the morning of the event.

There they are driving away when I suddenly realized that she had forgotten her boat cruise ticket on the cork board on the fridge! So, like any crazy person would, I chased them down the street. They must have been wrapped up in excitement, because they didn't see me waving my arms around like a lunatic. So I ran inside and called her to come back and get the ticket...and by the way, she forgot the wrap that I so lovingly made her, too!

Here they are coming back for the ticket AND the wrap...there was no way she was getting away without that wrap!!!There's Frisky in the corner with his ears up.


Penny said...

Good thing the head is attached. It would be a shame to leave that lovely black hair behind with the shawl. lol And they wonder why we worry when they venture out on their own.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you're back on writing. What a nice neighbourhood where you live now. the streets are so clean and tidied up. Is that Kelly behind the wheel in the car?

Anonymous said...

Hey Herman, thats not me, it is a friend of Alicia's driving the car.

Hope you all have a good summer.

Curtis said...

Heck when they saw you running down the street waving your arms around all crazy like they probably thought you were just being yourself. lol. Boy has she grown up even since I was there. I must be getting old or something. Oops the sun is out again for another five minutes so better go lay out and get a tan before it rains again. Have a great weekend.

I hate that frickin' word verification thing....I know darn well I typed it right that time. *&%^$^%^^%^%*^)^&(^@@#$@@#@@