This is our white board. As you can see, we started with the best intentions of having Ali's work schedule at the top...then it all went downhill.
The duck was just a doodle by Alicia. I just like the expression on his face.
Then, for some reason, she drew this paranoid booberry...looks a little stressed.
Then she really got creative and made the "loo berry," followed by my personal favorite...the "moo berry."

Of course, the


Well, you knew I was going to add my own little something, so I went with the "spew berry." How many things rhyme with "blue" anyway?!? This last one, Alicia was grasping at straws with the "glue berry."
They can't all be masterpieces, I guess. LOL.
Sigh....There's no room left...we're gonna have to wipe it down and start again with something new and equally inane. Take care blogging buds!