When my sister turned 40, I wanted to do something special for her. Something that would tell the world (or the townhouse complex) that her Birthday was something to be acknowledged. So I got to work on a couple of projects. The first was a big sign that read, you guessed it, "Lordy Lordy look who's forty!" I made sure it was huge and painted with bright colors, so that all who emerged from there townhouses would see it. My next project was my favorite of the two. I took a few sheets of green foam that I had bought at the dollar store, some pink pipe cleaners, and eighty tiny googly eyes and got to work. Out of each pipe cleaner, I fashioned a perfect little pink flamingo standing on one leg. After this long job, I put a spot of glue on the bottom and poked all forty of them into the foam sheets so that they stood up. Then I glued two little eyeballs on each little flamingo. I couldn't have been more pleased with how it turned out, so on her Birthday morning I sneaked over to her door, hung the poster with some balloons, and lay the sheets of flamingos on the hood of her car, so that they would be the first thing she saw when she opened her door. She got a real kick out of that, and brought them to work to show her coworkers. One of the things that I requested of her was that she pay it forward. The next person that she knows who turns 40, she has to pass the flamingos on to and they have to do the same. I think it would be funny to see how many people will get the flamingos. Our girlfriend Daveen will be turning 40 next, so we are going to pass the little flamingos on to her next month. Sheryl was suggesting that whomever gets the little guys, write their date of birth on the bottom of the foam mats and sign it, so if they make their way around the lower mainland, people can see the journey they have had!