Monday, January 08, 2007

just some stuff

AAAAAAAH. The kid's back in school, so I can finally catch up on some reading of blogs and writing in my own.
Like most people I talk to lately, I'm having a hell of a time finding energy to function. Everyone seems to be fighting off a cold, getting over a flu, or in the middle of a cold/flu combo. Frankly, I'm starting to wish I would just get a bad cold, so it can just run it's course. Rather, I've been fighting something off for at least two months. My lips are so dry they're forming some kind of scaly shell. They burn most of the time, and I've tried every kind of balm from blistex to polysporin. The other night I was dreaming all night that I had a plugged nose. So in my dream I'm snorting gallons of nasal spray, but my nose is still so plugged that I'm not getting any air in or out. This, of course, makes me a mouth breather, and exacerbates the afore mentioned lip dryness. Anyway, I'm sure this is all fascinating, but I'll leave you wanting more.

My brother and sis in law just left for their home in Whitehorse. They were here for Christmas and New Years. This was the New Years party we were at. Sheryl didn't last until midnight because she was sick, but she managed to come by and celebrate for a little while. Too bad my other brother, Dennis wasn't there, but he was off doing something else.

Anyway, that's it for me. My butt's getting sore.


Unknown said...

I hope you feel much better now. Nice photo's of your brother, his wife, you and your sister Sheryl. Your brother resembles to look very much to your father. Is that a good expression Sharon? I'm not sure... And I learned a new word "exacerbates" = (getting worse?)(Dutch: verergert). I don't know how to pronounce the word exacerbates :-)
Take care of yourself and now I'm going to take a look at Alicia's blog for new drawings :-)

Susan said...

I just love Hermans comments! Isnt he a sweetheart?
Looks like a super New years Eve, glad you got out and had some fun. Sorry about your Dad, you sure are a handi little gal to have around! Good job it wasnt staples instead of stitches!
Hope you dont let that stuffiness turn into anything more!
Keep slopping the vaseline on your mouth, it works best for me, plus you have the added bonus of glossy lips!

sharon said...

sHey Herman! Your English is very good. You would probably say:Your brother resembles your father, or Your brother looks very much like your father. But don't worry, I can always understand what you mean and that's the main thing.
Also, Exacerbates is pronounced
eg-sas-er-bates. We have something in common because I don't know how to pronounce verergert:)

ellen said...

Sharon, just act like you're hackin up a clam.

Penny said...

I've been having trouble leaving a message again. I hope it works today. I'm all out of witty so I'll just say, get better soon.