Thursday, April 27, 2006

Well, after reading many of my aunt's entries, I plum decided to start blogging myself. I've always had an interest in writing, so perhaps this is just what I need to quench my thirst for it. Thank God for spell check, though, because my love of writing has never influenced my ability (or disability) to spell.

My name is Sharon, I'm a 34 year old single mother of a beautiful 15 year old daughter, Alicia. I work as a hair stylist out of my parents' home, which has allowed me the freedom to be available to Alicia as she grew up. I could always make it to every soccer game, or drive on every field trip. I could schedule my appointments around what time she had to go to, or be picked up from school. It was a freedom that few single moms are able to enjoy.

Alicia's father was a brick layer who liked the drink. I don't know how many times I told him that he was going to get himself, and someone else killed one day if he continued to drink and drive. When we met I was only 13 and he was 23, and I had an instant crush. I was a not a promiscuous girl by any stretch, nor did I have much confidence to speak of. So I never suspected that I would wind up in a relationship with this older man. At the time, in fact, he was living with a girl a few years older than I, who was expecting the birth of his first child. Aaahhh, teen-aged pregnancy...

It wasn't long after that relationship hit the fan, that he came looking for me, through mutual friends. Being the self esteem starved teenager I was, I thought it was pretty cool that this older man would be interested in me. Especially since I had just had my heart broken by someone else. This was the perfect time for me to throw myself back into the mix...When I was vulnerable. So that was exactly what I did.

Within a few months, we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of my gorgeous little girl. By this time I had reached the ripe old age of 17. Hey, no reason to wait till I'm older, maybe establish a career, perhaps get to know the guy I will be sharing this huge responsibility with. I felt like my whole life was set. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Teenagers have a very unrealistic view on life. Dr. Phil always says it's because they don't have the ability to see around corners. They can't predict consequences. Well Dr. Phil is a very smart man, because lemme tell ya, there are some things that I did not see coming!

Well, my client is about to arrive, so I guess I'll have to continue next time. If anyone is out there reading this, I would be very surprised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't be surprised Sharon... I have read all three posts. You have told a lot about yourself.
Take care.