Monday, December 18, 2006

AAAAAAAAh, Christmas... I've always loved it and I always will. Is it busy and costly and stressful? Yes. But I'm a sucker for family and laughter and prezzies (I love getting them, but I especially love giving them.) I love beautifully wrapping my gifts in curly ribbon and glue-gunning cinnamon sticks and decorations in the middle of a big bow. I'll have to post a picture of it when I'm done. It looks so pretty under the tree, and I can't tell you how many times I've gone to someone's house and spotted one or two of these "gift decorations" somewhere on their tree. Gives me the warm and fuzzies.

This year, Christmas will be at my house, where we will start at about 10:00 in the morning. Sheryl makes one of those wife-saver breakfasts (yum-my) so we scarf on that with some bailies coffee or mimosas. Then we open prezzies one at a time (no diving in like animals, please) so we can see what everyone got and socialize. At this time I start just loading everyone up with 7 layer bean dip, and other appies. And if anyone wants a little drinkie-poo I will certainly be a good host and join them. Don't want to be rude. The funny thing is, nobody in my family are really drinkers, but I always want to have a couple on Christmas day. So usually I'm like, "C'mon, Sheryl, pull your head out and have a drink with me!" Nothing like a little peer pressure on Christmas! Fortunately, my Mom doesn't need much coaxing. She'll usually be game for a cocktail. LOL

So, anyhoo, after assembling everything that needs assembling, and a lot of laughter and talking at an extremely high volume, we all role on over to the table to try and cram in even more delicious food. And by God, every year we succeed! The de Konings are not quitters! And this year will be no exception.


ellen said...

Sounds like perfection. Wish we could join you. Our hearts will be with you, though; you can be sure of that.

sharon said...

Right back at ya, Aunt Ellen. Nothing would make this a happier Christmas than having you and Curtis here with us. But we're just gonna have to settle for the warmth of the Season bringing us together in spirit.

Anonymous said...

After all that food, I'll have to have my jaw wired shut till June just to get back to a weight where I don't need a lift crane to get me out of bed! Sounds good tho! Come to think of it, it's lunch time. What's for eats?

Penny said...

I'll be thinking of your family and Ellen's this Christmas. You are both such wonderful people. We're not drinkers either, but I like sparkly wine at Christmas. I shall toast you and Ellen and polish off a little Baileys, and pop a chocolate or two in my mouth. To Christmas, to family and friends, to health - that's what's it's all about. God bless us one and all.

~DdK~ said...

So, you've told the world that we eat bean dip for beakfast and Mom's a lush, what next? gonna describe Mike's post dinner race to the boudoir? He's gonna be pissed when you let that secret out.
Some people should not have a blog.

Unknown said...

I think Christmas becomes a big, cosy, noisy family party this year. And Dennis, who told the world that Mike HAD a boudoir secret? :-)

sharon said...

Thank you Herman! you see what I have to put up with having brothers?!?

Penny said...

Gee, just think of the dirty laundry you could dish, if you hadn't told your family about your blog! Now we may never know all the juicy little secrets.

Penny said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and Alycia and the rest of your big family. Your family sounds like mine - a big family that loves to tease and joke. All the best.

Funkyblueeyes said...

Hehehe.. I created a blogspot..

Hooray for food! Y'know, I've always found eating food quite delightful. So delightful in fact, that I have taken in the habit of eating it 3 times a day!

Now that I'm a Big Girl, I can help to decorate the presents to make them look gorgeous. There is only one flaw in your plan: Nobody will want to rip open the wrapping!