Well, by now, if you read my blog, you know I have a little furry poodle named Frisky. This little guy has been part of our family since he was only ten weeks old. Alicia got him for her sixth Birthday. Now Frisky is twelve and Alicia is turning eighteen! Hard to believe...
Anyway, a couple of months ago, we drove into Maple Ridge to visit Kelly's parents and his Aunt and Uncle. In Kelly's family, they always take the dogs with them when they visit, so we decided to take Frisky along. When we got to Kelly's Uncle's house, where we were all meeting for a visit, the dogs (Frisky and Angel) frolicked in the yard sniffing each other's bums and peeing on things. Tails were wagging and all was well. When we went into the house, everything went to hell in a hand-basket!
We went into the side door, which happens to go right into the kitchen. The dogs both pranced into the kitchen and around the island where i couldn't see them, when suddenly, there was a screaming sound coming from behind the island. This wasn't just a little yip, it was serious animal in distress sounds. So I ran around the island to see Kelly's Uncle's dog (a four year old boarder collie) biting Frisky in the throat, and pinning him to the floor. Feeling particularly territorial, I guess, she happily bit and stomped on Frisky until she was pulled off of him by Kelly's Dad. It's a good thing he was there first, cuz otherwise, I couldn't be held responsible for tackling Angel (don't let the name fool ya.)
Poor little Frisky was beat up pretty good. He shook like a chihuahua for hours. His ear was bloody where she bit him, and he was badly bruised. You couldn't touch him on the neck where she was biting him or he would let out a scream, and even petting him anywhere else hurt him. Usually this dog drives me nuts following me around and demanding affection, but for the next week, he didn't want to be touched. It was heartbreaking. I would just pet him lightly on the top of his head and he would slink away and go lay somewhere else. Thank goodness he recovered within the week and is back to his normal self again. He's no spring chicken, so you never know how these things could go. Also, we didn't know the extent of the injury to his neck.
Anyway, I couldn't bloody wait to get out of there that night. I can barely remember anything we talked about because I was so worried and preoccupied with my puppy. I'm not one of those people who equates pets with children, but I have raised this dog for twelve years and feel very affectionate and protective of him. I love the little guy. Angel, however...well, not so much.
Kelly's parents were so great with him that night, spoiling him and such. His Mom tended his ear while he sat on my lap and his Dad fed him ice cream from a plastic spoon. Awe. His Uncle was sweet too. That made me feel good that they cared because, the weird think is, not one of Angel's owners said, "Angel, NO!" If my dog attacked another dog like that I would smack him and say "NO" That's how they learn. His aunt was like, "Oh, Angel doesn't know what she did wrong." Where I'm of the opinion that she doesn't know because she's never been scolded. I later found out that she has been involved in similar attacks on other dogs...Kelly's sister's dog included. Anyway, he's fine now and I just know not to bring him back there. You should have seen the way Frisky was looking at me that night...like I betrayed him!