Anyhoo, ya know how I was all pissed about my car having no heat since I had it in the shop? Well I took Alicia out for a driving lesson yesterday. Half way through, I was going to get her to venture into another neighborhood, and asked her if she had her drivers license with her. OOPS! She forgot about that, so we went home to get it before we could continue. We parked the car, ran in for her license, and by the time we got back outside, it wouldn't start! AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! I think my head spun around three times!
So I was in a foul mood yesterday...foul.
On a lighter note, I had to share this story a client told me recently. I thought it was funny.
So one night, my client, "C" was in bed, waiting for her teen aged daughter to return home from wherever she was. It was getting late, and she was drifting in and out of sleep. When she awoke in the middle of the night and her daughter still wasn't home, she called her on her cel phone. She heard a groggy voice answer and she started freaking out on the girl. "Where are you!" she demanded. The girl's voice replied sleepily, "I'm in bed. Who is this?"
"It's your mother! Who do you think? And don't give me that! I know you are not in your room, I was just up there! Now tell me right now where you are!"
"I'm in bed!" she said, getting defensive, but still with a sleepy, bewildered tone. The girl was clearly confused. So my client demanded she get her ass home and hung up.
To be honest, I don't remember the part of the story that revealed where the daughter was....I was too busy laughing at the fact that "C" had dialed the wrong number, and thought she was talking to her daughter, when she was, in fact, yelling at some unsuspecting girl who she woke up in the middle of the night! I have the most vivid imagination, I can picture the girl being woken up out of a deep sleep, by some psycho mama on a mission! "C" was so embarrassed when she realized what she'd done! LOL
I love the part of my job that allows me to hear stories like this. There's never a dull moment when you are chatting with so many different people throughout the day.