So excited that my little niece is coming on Sunday to see us!!! Well, okay, my brother and his wife are coming too, and that's also exciting, but I can't wait to squish this little booger-nugget!!! I spoke with her on the phone recently and for a 3 year old, her speech is unbelievable! She speaks clearly and confidently, and at the risk of being a smidge biased, she compares to a 5 year old with how articulate she is.
Regardless of how ingenious she is (and she gets it from me I'm sure) she's as cute as a button (also from me lol) and I love her to pieces! They'll be here for a week and staying with my parents, so I'm sure I'll be making a few trips back and forth to their place next week. It's an hour and a half drive and worth every second of it!