From the front of the house, this just seems like an innocent little bush. It may not be the most neatly trimmed or shaped, but you wouldn't think that within this bush lurked grave danger...
Kelly took the day off on Monday and we decided to do some yard work. Our bushes desperately needed to be tended to. So while Kelly did the weed eating, I took out our electric hedge trimmer and began to trim the front and top of this bush. When Kelly glanced over and saw me laboring to reach the top, he immediately came over and offered to finish where I couldn't reach. He's such a gentleman. A few moments went by and I heard him say, "Ouch...I just got stung by a wasp." But being the big strong man he is, it didn't really phase him.
In hindsight, I suppose we should have seen that as a warning, but we didn't. A couple of seconds later, I heard, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" and saw Kelly fly down the path and around the house, ripping off his shirt!
"Are you okay?" I yelled as I ran around the corner after him.
As you may have guessed, the other side of that bush looked like this:

Well I must have agitated the little guys something fierce while I was hacking away at the other side of this bush, cuz they were pretty upset. Thank God he only got stung three or four times...It could have been so much worse had the electric trimmer sawed right through the middle of their happy home.
It wasn't long before my neighbor came over to see if Kelly was badly hurt. She and her husband had heard him yell and thought he'd lopped off a limb or something. After she had gone back home, I was saying to Kel how sweet it was of her to be concerned but Kelly's biggest worry and only question was, "Did I scream like a girl?" LOL I said, "No Sweet heart, you screamed like a man."
We gave them a good spray with some wasp killer last night and will probably do another dose before we remove it. Those little buggers mean business!